Semaglutide Shots Lewisville, TX

Overview of Semaglutide

Semaglutide is an injectable prescription medication used for chronic weight management. It is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist that regulates blood sugar levels and appetite.

Benefits of semaglutide treatment include:

Semaglutide should be used together with diet and exercise for best results. Treatment must be prescribed by a certified medical provider like our practitioners at Vitality Balance Clinic in Lewisville.

Who is a Good Candidate for Semaglutide?

Semaglutide may be a good weight loss option if you:

Vitality Balance Clinic providers carefully screen patients to determine if semaglutide is appropriate based on health history and goals.

Our services

Take control of your weight with Semaglutide!

How Does Semaglutide Lead to Weight Loss?

Semaglutide helps you lose weight in two key ways:

  • Slowing Digestion and Reducing Appetite
  • - Semaglutide mimics the effects of GLP- a hormone released after eating to signal the brain that the stomach feels full
  • - It tells the brain to reduce appetite while food moves more slowly through the digestive system
  • - People often begin eating smaller portions since they feel satisfied with less food
  • Dosing and Administration of Semaglutide

    Semaglutide is taken once weekly by subcutaneous injection with a small, thin needle.

    Proper injection technique is crucial to improve absorption and efficacy. Vitality Balance Clinic teaches patients to correctly handle and inject semaglutide during office visits.

    Interesting fact

    In addition to being approved for treating diabetes and obesity, semaglutide has shown promise in early research for improving markers of cardiovascular health and even aiding smoking cessation, though more studies are still needed in these areas before it can be recommended specifically for those purposes.

    What to Expect When Taking Semaglutide

    Most patients tolerate semaglutide well, especially when increasing doses gradually. However, some temporary side effects may occur as the body adjusts:

    These gastric-related effects usually resolve within days to weeks of any dose increase. Vitality Balance Clinic providers work closely with patients to manage side effects and make dosage adjustments as needed.

    While on semaglutide, regular follow-ups every 2-4 weeks allows our team to provide support, track progress, and reinforce positive lifestyle habits for optimal weight loss results.

    Take control of your weight with Semaglutide.

    Importance of Lifestyle Changes with Semaglutide

    While semaglutide promotes weight loss through appetite and blood sugar control, dietary and activity changes accelerate results. Our physicians emphasize “treat the whole patient” through tailored counseling on nutrition, movement, sleep, stress relief and more based on individual needs and preferences.

    We recommend patients focus on long-term lifestyle habits like:

    Small, sustainable changes to increase activity levels and improve dietary quality support overall wellness and cement weight loss during semaglutide therapy. Our team provides guidance to help patients succeed in their health goals now -- and maintain results for years to come.

    Importance of Prompt Diagnosis and Treatment at Vitality Balance Clinic

    Obesity is a complex disease that often requires medical treatment, not just simplified advice to “eat less and move more.” Like other chronic conditions, early and intensive interventions lead to better outcomes long-term.

    The causes underlying weight gain and inability to lose weight vary person-to-person -- from hormonal imbalances to genetic risks -- but the health implications are concerning across the board. That’s why expert care matters.

    Our outstanding physicians and staff at Vitality Balance Clinic have specialized training to:

    With our rigorous clinical expertise combined with genuine compassion for each person’s unique health needs, Vitality Balance Clinic guides patients to finally overcome frustrating weight loss barriers. We’re proud of our outstanding patient outcomes to date.

    If you’re ready to take charge of your health with expert medical guidance, call Vitality Balance Clinic in Lewisville today to schedule a consultation. Our knowledgeable team is ready to help get you started on a transformative path!

    Lewisville's Climate and Lifestyle Perks

    Located 20 miles northwest of Dallas, Lewisville offers a vibrant small-town atmosphere near all the perks of a big city. With 227 days of sunshine per year on average, Lewisville provides plenty of opportunities to be active outdoors -- critical for long-term weight management success.

    The area features many parks, trails, recreation leagues and studios to stay fit among the natural beauty. We encourage patients to take advantage of Lewisville's climate and resources by:

    Balancing semaglutide treatment with regular outdoor activity, nutritious regional cuisine and stress-relieving modalities can accelerate your weight loss goals. Let our team guide you towards local establishments that match your lifestyle!

    Semaglutide FAQs

    How much weight can I expect to lose on semaglutide?

    - Average weight loss is 15-18% over 68 weeks based on clinical trials- Results vary based on medication adherence, lifestyle factors and more- Vitality Balance Clinic practitioners set realistic expectations before starting

    Does semaglutide help with managing diabetes?

    - Yes, semaglutide lowers A1c, fasting glucose and diabetes meds needed- It may lead to diabetes remission along with diet/activity changes

    What happens when I stop semaglutide treatment?

    - Appetite and blood sugar regulating effects wear off- Some weight regain is expected if lifestyle habits revert- Maintaining healthy behaviors can preserve ~67% of loss long-term

    What are the risks if I stay overweight or obese?

    - High blood pressure, heart disease, fatty liver, arthritis- Certain cancers, stroke, infertility, mental health decline- Premature death and lower quality of life

    Why choose Vitality Balance Clinic for semaglutide treatment?

    Our outstanding providers offer:- Deep expertise in weight management- Cutting-edge prescription therapies- Personalized lifestyle counseling- Supportive, compassionate care- Proven long-term resultsLet us help you succeed today!

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